Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Tsubasa Chronicle Original Soundtracks 「Future Soundscape I-IV」


01. ship of fools
02. BLAZE (TV size)
03. believe
04. black sword
05. strange games
06. break the sword of justice
07. you are my love
08. dewdrops
09. tsubasa
10. a tiny sunshine
11. through the gate
12. hear our prayer
13. I talk to the rain
14. ruthless
15. guess how much I love you
16. morning moon
17. witch
18. a song of storm and fire
19. best years in our lives
20. Loop (TV size)

Album: Tsubasa Chronicle Future Soundscape I
Artist: Kajiura Yuki
Date of release: 2005-07-06
Scans: Included

Download link: Tsubasa Chronicle Future Soundscape I


01. voices silently sing
02. endlessly
03. storm and fire
04. lost wings
05. together for tomorrow
06. the dreamers
07. before the storm
08. breathless
09. Kaze no Machi he
10. wayside
11. if you are my love
12. 1&0 city
13. catastrophe
14. fatigue
15. break it down again
16. when two powers collide
17. blue clouds
18. Yume no Tsubasa

Album: Tsubasa Chronicle Future Soundscape II
Artist: Kajiura Yuki
Date of release: 2005-09-22
Scans: Not included

Download link: Tsubasa Chronicle Future Soundscape II


01. moebius
02. IT’S (TV Size)
03. we go further, everyday
04. slipstream
05. fireseeker
06. femme
07. masquerade
08. play the game
09. sacrifice
10. afterglow
11. dream scape
12. swordbreaker
13. need your love
14. siren song
15. total eclipse
16. stay
17. indian summer
18. antinomie
19. further
20. wings of your imagination
21. Kazemachi Jet (TV Size)
22. storm is coming

Album: Tsubasa Chronicle Future Soundscape III
Artist: Kajiura Yuki
Date of release: 2006-07-05
Scans: Included

Download link: Tsubasa Chronicle Future Soundscape III

01. once upon a time there was you and me
02. aikoi
03. my dear feather
04. merrymaking
05. little one, so sweet
06. you shall overcome
07. prove yourself
08. let go
09. rainbow
10. broken sword of justice
11. darkness comes
12. dawn
13. uninvited guest
14. requiem for the evil
15. longingly
16. run for your life
17. optimistic
18. a whip and a witch
19. crying alone
20. ring your song

Album: Tsubasa Chronicle Future Soundscape IV
Artist: Kajiura Yuki
Date of release: 2006-09-21
Scans: Included

Download link: Tsubasa Chronicle Future Soundscape IV


  1. Thank you so much, i was really so close to download song by song...Great Blog!!

  2. Thank you so much! This really save me! *bows* ;)

  3. Thank you! You're a gift from heaven! ;)

  4. I've been looking everywhere for this, thank you so much!

  5. Thanks, mate... I do really appreciate it a lot..
    I need it so much....
    For the sake of my lost memories, once again, thank you.......

  6. Thanks, mate... I do really appreciate it a lot..
    I need it so much....
    For the sake of my lost memories, once again, thank you.......
    For more future interaction, Jaybee-Goh@hotmail.com

  7. Thak you so much!I´m very happy now... :)

  8. No se como agradecerte el que subieras todas estas canciones, en serio Tsubasa tiene un GRAN Soundtrack y eres una persona maravillosa al subir todas estas obras de arte,
    muchas gracias <3

  9. Thank you for doing the Lord's work. <3
